Well I know I've been slacking on keeping up with my blog BUT nothing really blog worthy has happened during the week!!!! It's pretty much the same everyday!! We're still in our Cross Country unit for mostly every class except grades 1/2/3 which is working on movement currently!! So this past week we brought up our classes to the top of Chukkar Hill and ran their cross country route that they will run for Inter House Cross country day!! WHICH is a really sweet day when the entire school shuts down for this day of running and competitions!!! STAFF INCLUDED!!!:) And each house competes to earn points for their team!! Eagles of course will dominate the Condors and Merlins!! Sorry Red and Green but TEAM BLUE ALL THE WAY!!!:) Tuesday night was laundry night so I went over to the Farley's again and while laundry was washing and drying we watched Harry Potter 6!! Watched that twice and yet have not seen 1-5 and really have no desire too unless with a group!!!:) Sorry but give me Rocky 1-6 over any 1-6 anyday!!!!! Wednesday night some Woodstock staff went to the Tavern and I had the strawberry smoothie AGAIN!! SOOOO delicious!! We had a blast as usual singing our songs: Country Roads AND Zinhonsadnian!! I forgot the name of it, but it started with a Z and had the ooooooo's!! THEN THURSDAY CAME AND IT WAS THE FIRST DAY OF AFTER SCHOOL SPORTS!!! OF COURSE we're in monsoon season and JUST as school got out it DOWNPOURED!!! Thus we had to cancel the first day, very similar to a certain Shakopee summer tennis first day!! JENNY I told you, use your powers elsewhere, leave India alone!!!;) So we had to cancel the first day and only the inside sports continued, TaeKwonDo, Table Tennis and Climbing Wall!!! THEN yesterday came along!! FANTASTIC FRIDAY!!!!:) Not only Friday itself was awesome but the expectations for this weekend was on the verge of happening!! We had planned a trip to our savior family after school Friday, so Friday during school just flew by!! After school Nicole, Matt and I packed up our things from school and headed to the outskirts of Mussoorie again!! On the way their I had to stop home and pick up my somewhat still wet hiking and VERY smelly hiking boots, along with my camera!! We also stopped at some stores to pick up our gifts we were going to buy for them!! First was a random store which we bought a plastic cricket bat and ball for their son, and some jewelry for the mom!! Then the bakery for some baked desserts!! Next the grocery store to buy some hard cookies that will last longer than the baked goods!! Finally we stopped at a tailor and bought them a nice blanket!!! After we packed up that we headed for the road that winded downward from the bazaar to the hills of Mussoorie!! It was all too familiar again, BUT this time it was light and a little foggy!! Hike cont....
haha...I LOVE having such a gift to affect the weather...and just think, I have that kind of influence on rain from all the way over here!! Can you IMAGINE what India would be like if I was actually over there in person???