Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Friday!!!!!:) cont...
We're winding down the cement road, everything looking very fresh and familiar in our minds since it has been only a week!! If it wasn't foggy during our hike back, it would have been a very BEAUTIFUL hike!! Which we'll make another time, with a Hindi speaking friend to translate for us!! But for now we're going solo and only Enlgish speaking!! We wind around some hills and forget how many hills it is until we reach their house!!! So we kept saying, oh it's the next one, oooh no no the next one!! Nope the next one!! We knew we weren't lost but just forgot how many hills it was until we were on the right one!! Well the answer is 4!! It took 4 hills until that 4th hill came and we came around the bend and sure enough the wide open area along with the house was right there!! We walk the deja vu path to their house again and sure enough the two are there making some dinner and almost like they were expecting us!! Not surprised at all and very friendly again to greet us!!:) We say hello and again they offer their stools to sit on!! Walking in the room for a second time brought back pleasant memories of the first time!! While they made dinner which we did not want at all, cause we didn't want to impose on their dinner!! But he insisted we have some Chai and since we said no the last time we couldn't refuse it again!! They brought in cups and nice warm chai and sat down while we sipped our chai!! At that point we handed them our gifts and since we didn't speak Hindi we didn't know really their reaction!! Their faces were somewhat happy but I think overwhelmed as well!! Almost like it was too much!! But they accepted the gifts and THEN brought in food to feed us!! We at first said no, but couldn't really translate that to them so we ate the food not to offend their hospitality!!:) The food AGAIN was amazing and we offered them some but they refused!! We got through half the meal and said we had to go!! Said our goodbyes once again and took a picture with them!! The wife was very hesistant but the husband was all for it, we think!!:) We hiked back to civilization again and met up with the rest of Woodstock Staff at the Tavern!! There ordered a delicious fruint punch AND my fruit ice cream!! A very fruity night!! Everyone else arrived at the Tavern around 7, while we got there around 8ish cause of the hike!! We asked if everyone else had major traffic to deal with because of Indian Independence on Saturday!! They said OH YEAH!! The streets were so chaotic and full of cars/taxis it was pretty ridiculous!! So many out of towners, THAT WEREN'T US!!! Cause we're true Mussoorians!!:) Freakin tourists!! But the streets are so narrow, so it only takes 2 cars to cause a traffic jam, one trying to go uphill and the other trying to go down!! At the Tavern we had an awesome time!! Telling stories, jokes and trying to throw little pieces of paper in each others drinks!! This went on for a couple hours, until there was a backup of people waiting for a table!! The waiters and owner kind of pressured us to leave!! All we wanted was our songs to sing and then we would have happily left, BUT the guy literally said, when we tried to request them, the owner will not let me cause he wants you guys to leave!!:) That was our final clue to hit the road, and it was getting pretty late anyways!! So we wanted the check and of course that took like 15 minutes to get!! While all these people at the door were giving us evil stares!! Like what can we do?!? We don't have the freakin check!! As we were figuring out the checks, other customers started hovering over us so as soon as we got up they literally took our spots that instant!! Kind of rude won't lie!! Lousy out of towners having no manners!!! All we were trying to do is have is some fun!!:) We left the Tavern and walked back to our houses!! On the way home Greg and I stopped by the Clock Tower Cafe and I ordered a nice pizza while Greg ordered a carrot cake! BOTH were delicious!!!:) Ate that, paid the check and went on our seperate ways!!! Got home around 11pm and was planning to write in my journal and finally catch up!! As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out!!! Completely wiped out!!! And that has been this past week up to FRIDAY NIGHT!!!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
August 8th, 2009....a date that I'll always remember.... Part 7
August 8th, 2009....a date that I'll always remember.... Part 6
The rain at this point is in full force. I'm wearing a very breathable light long sleeve training shirt, and Matt's wearing a t-shirt and shorts. He luckily had an umbrella so that helped a little even though the rains were coming all which directions. We made it to another top of the hill when THANKFULLY I see in the distance the village we saw from earlier. Of course to get to that village, there was this opening of flowing rapids and puddles galore. With water flowing rapidly beneath our feet towards the village. We slid down some rocks and into the puddles, not even thinking about leeches at this point, just trying to get to the village. We SPRINT through the rapids and make it to this stone wall out of the water. We walk down a path towards the first house we see, and I walk past first and see no one there so I keep moving forward. Luckily Matt was a little ways behind and calls me back, cause this man is at the door inviting us in. We walk up their path and under their roof. He had a wife and kid, probably all wondering who are these two and why are they walking in this weather. But this family in my eyes are saviors. They invite us in like we're family. They set out these stools and invite us to sit. Both Matt and I, out of energy sit down and just collapse. Exhausted. After a minute or so we remember to check for leeches on our feet, running through the water like that. Of course we find just a few..... we take the flashlight shine it on our feet and one by one we start pouring salt on the leeches. Luckily I brought some. I had 5 on my right foot, 1 huge one, the other just getting settled. I had 4 on my left foot, 2 huge ones already sucking blood, and 2 others trying to get settled. I had one on my upper leg and one under my right knee. Matt had a ton on him as well. So we each one at a time went outside and started to pour salt on them, watch them curl up, then immediately grab them and fling them off, stepping on them once they landed on the ground. After that I dared to take off my hiking boots and socks, sure enough 3 more leeches (big ones) were on my right lower part of my foot, all well established and making huge divets in it. QUICKLY poured salt on them and then checked my left foot. Luckily only found 2 little ones trying to establish sucking. But it's crazy to think all they need is the smallest of holes and they can get in their like "that!" I mean these leeches went through my hiking boot, then through my sock, and finally to my skin. And you don't even feel them doing this. After we have sat and napped a little bit, this man comes back with cookies. We didn't know what to say we were so speechless with thanks. We tried signing thank you to him, of course he only spoke Hindi, but an attempt that I think worked. I slowly ate mine, feeling the signs up vomiting if I ate them to fast. But Matt luckily had the stomach he could eat with ease, which is all I cared about at that point cause I know Matt was struggling with the food. Once he had that in his system he took over with the lead. Asking if I was alright and trying to strike up convo. All I could muster was hmm mmm. But I could get 2 cookies down. Then the man turned on the tv and we watched a really cheesy Bollywood movie with the main guy shooting up everyone. That brought smiles to our faces, not big ones but enough to calm our nerves a little. We did constant leech checks every 5 minutes, and sure enough every time we found a couple here and there, trying to establish on our skin. The power went out, and we lost all lights and tv, so I went outside (by this time it was night, about 7:30pm) and I saw the GREATEST thing we've seen in the past 6 hours!! THE LIGHTS OF MUSSOORIE!!! We asked the man earlier and pointed to Mussoorie and we knew it was somewhere over that hill, but seeing those lights at night made us feel so much better! We attempted convo with the man again and found out his daughter went to school in Mussoorie and he knew of Woodstock! So now the confidence is slowly coming back, if this man knows of both Mussoorie and Woodstock School!! He asks us if we want rotti (bread) and some other foods we didn't know what they meant. We said yes yes yes yes yes, thank you thank you thank you. His wife started the meal, while both Matt and I tried getting in a quick nap in the chairs. Matt commented that you know when you're exhausted when you can fall asleep in a stool bent over, which was very true. So we caught up on some much needed rest while they made dinner. The smell from the next room smelled soooo good. While it was cooking he came back in the room with clothes. Now this house was 2 rooms, and was barely filled with materials. This man who didn't even know us offered the clothes off his back to warm us up, we couldn't say yes to that. But just the gesture was so amazing and powerful. Then they brought in the most delicious meal we've had in 6 hours. It was rotti, some type of dal, and chai tea. Now the tea we didn't drink just because it could possibly be tap water, and no good there. But everything else was fair game. All I could eat was 2 pieces of rotti, which when nervous and focused I'm not a huge eater, so I knew that would be okay. I was just happy Matt was going to town on his food cause I knew he needed it to reenergize. So Matt was getting reenergized I was still focused on the trip home. The man then came in with blankets and sheets to start making a bed. Now he was offering us a place to sleep. This was truly a miracle and the nicest/kindest thing that anyone could ever do for another human being. We declined the bed and sleeping cause we knew we had to get back tonight otherwise some may get worried if we didn't make it back that night. So we said no no no to the bed and waited for the rain to stop. Another motivator that had us not stay the night was this HUGE spider right above us by the light, did not want that crawling around us in the night. Finally the rain started to simmer down, not end but not a downpour at least! In the distance I heard this man doing some late night prayers, I checked my watch and sure enough it was 8pm, and it was the same chants I hear everynight at home!! Then we heard the dogs!! So both were unbelievably comforting sounds and again grew our confidence!!:) It was around 9pm when the rain finally stopped. We knew this was our only chance and had to take it. I gave the man 1500 rupees for their troubles. We packed up, checked for leeches and followed the man with his flashlight to his path. He pointed to Mussoorie and shook hands and he was very grateful, but not NEARLY as grateful as we, and we wished so much we could communicate with him how much thanks we had, but I think he may have gotten the point...hopefully. We head down the path and within 10 minutes we see the greatest thing ever: CEMENT road!! A sign of civilization and close to a real town!! Not shortly after we see this single headlight coming down the path, it was a scooter, another great sign of things to come! We head up the path and to the Langdon School, which is what he said we would end up at, he also said bazaar/marker would be there too. We enter town just relieved to be in some type of civilization with other people around!! We walk up the path and more zig zags, but this time we don't care aobut the zig zags! When we reach the top, Matt quickly recognizes where we are, the MAIN BAZAAR close to the Clock Tower!!!! Walking towards the split to both the main bazaar and my house, we give a big man hug to each other and congratulate a HARD fought battle mentally and physically to get home and couldn't help but think what would have happened if we chose left way back there and not right! We didn't even want to think about that outcome at all. After we split our ways I headed straight towards the Clock Tower Cafe, knowing a LARGE PEPPERONI PIZZA was waiting to be eaten by me!! I didn't know if they were open or not but it didn't matter I was headed there to find out! I see the clock tower, I see the cafe and BAM it's open!! I walk in to the greatest smell in the world, baking dough!! I sit down just exhausted, even the waiter came up to me and asked are you tired? I explained to him I just hiked with a friend from Tatur and left around 1! Before I did anything I took off my boots and quickly put on my sandals that were packed in my backpack, luckily! That felt soooo good! My boots were soaked and a little blood soaked from the leeches! Cause after you take off the leech the hole that it creates still has blood coming from it, you can pour salt on it to neutralize it, but minus the slight burn pain it still doesn't stop it completely! Went to the bathroom and washed my hands for 5 minutes! They were a LITTLE dirty from the hike! Dinner and Sunday cont....
August 8th, 2009....a date that I'll always remember.... Part 5
We choose....... the right path towards the advice of the villagers. Now it has started to rain, but luckily not heavily. In the distance we heard thunder and Cookie told us earlier that monsoons usually never occur on the opposite side of Mussoorie, thus going to the right would lead us into the thunderstorm and possibly monsoon, but that was a risk we had to take. At the top of the hill this random walker with an umbrella was walking downhill towards us, we asked Mussoorie? and he pointed towards the way we were walking, which made us think we made the right choice back there! However, all these locals have pointed that direction for Mussoorie but no signs of it yet. The rain has started to increase now, not downpour monsoon but not light rain either. We walk towards another hill, uphill of course, and come around another corner and still nothing, no signs of Mussoorie, no locals to ask directions too. Now this is 6pm, 5 hours since food and straight hiking, so yeah we're getting to the tired point. I ask Matt how he's doing and his right calf has tightened and has signs of being a little dizzy. Immediately we stop, I pull out my bananas that all but 2 were kinda still good, gave one to Matt the other I ate, and then gave him some gum to keep trucking. Matt felt better now, got some energy back, motivated us to keep going and we were on our way, through the DOWNPOURING rain at this point. We are still going uphill and the paths are definitely getting soaked so sliding was a definite possibility. In our heads I know we are both thinking these hills would never end. I'm saying the Lord's Prayer over and over, and praying. Keep on asking Matt how he's doing, cause I knew without food he could fall fast. So we're in a negative situation right now, but we had to keep trucking, knowing that village had to be coming up soon. We turn another hill corner and yet again nothing. Now it's getting pretty bad. No clue when and where this village would come and not knowing how long our bodies can hold out in the rain. We started up a little convo to keep hopes up. One of our convos was how we were SO thankful that we train for triathlons (Matt) and marathons, otherwise our mental state of being may be faultering at this point and muscles definitely would not be able to continue. That kept us going, I was getting my second wind just knowing that village had to be coming up and to push Matt to keep going knowing if he went down it would NOT a good scenario.....
August 8th, 2009....a date that I'll always remember.... Part 4
Sorry no pictures from here on, focused on getting home!! You'll know what I mean!! So we arrive at the gates of Mazatan and start walking through town!! Heading towards the lower part of town because that's where I thought the school was the locals, which were gathered there like they were expecting us, started yelling!! We turn around and point Mussoorie, and they point in the opposite direction!! So we start walking towards the way I thought they were pointing too, when AGAIN they were yelling!! We turn around and they point towards this other road!! So we have a good laugh over it and start walking through the town!! Get to this hill with a bull on top drinking some water!!! Coming within 10 feet of it the bull QUICKLY turns at us and starts charging us!! We're like what the heck and just BOOK it the opposite direction!! Some locals from before saw us and knew we were confused and lost, so again they pointed us/lead us to the path that will take us to Mussoorie!! And of course that path includes going past the BULL again!! We start towards the bull and again the bull quickly looks at us, all flinchy we back up 10 feet, but no charging this time!! FINALLY the woman owner of the bull controls it and leads it up the hill away from us!! We quickly run past the bull, the guy in lead had a rock and stick in hand to protect us, yeeeeeeeeah I felt real safe there!!!:) They take us uphill into another part of town, yeah NOTHING looking familiar now, like before!! No school in site and now we're like ummmm okay? Kinda hesistant! They tell us to take this and then pointed in this zig zag direction around the hill staying parellel with the valley luckily!! So we take this trail downhill and cross this stream and head back up hill again! Once again we come around another curve in a different hillside and of course everything looks the same! We decide to stay with what's working and that's continuing with the valley on our right side, as long as we have that as our point of familiarity we should be okay!! We're headed down hill once again when we see this small boy walking up towards us! We ask him Mussoorie and point in the direction we were going! He says!! Thus we keep heading in the same direction when we come to a split and turn around and point towards the valley, which of course is almost pure rock and very slippery from the stream!! He yells "CI, CI"!! We look at each other and continue on UP the rock valley!! After the valley there are these 2 women above us and we yell up to them "Mussoorie" and point in the diretion we were headed, they yell ci!! So we're kinda feeling good seeing the entire way we've been headed in the right direction!! The time at this point is 4pm!! We've been hiking for almost 3 hours! And no Mussoorie in site!! We've definitely figured out we are also taking the long way home and NOT the short way like we thought!! Heading up another hill we come around another turn and of course the site is the same!! More hills and no Mussoorie in site!! At this point we're not too worried but would love to see some kind of form of Mussoorie or a village with possibly a taxi, but no!! We take the ladies advice and go uphill and come to our FIRST top of hill!! At the top of the hill we SEE nothing!! More hills!! We head down hill and towards another hill that we figured on the backside would be Mussoorie! In the distance we see a house with power lines! Following the power lines down the hill we say "amneste" (hello) to these ladies and ask/point Mussoorie? They point in the direction we JUST came from, so our first wrong way and hopefully our last!! So we travel BACK up the hill and on the top of the hill were little kids! We reluctantly ask Mussoorie, and they point in the same direction we were going, so that was good! We pass an old lady and again asked "Mussoorie (with pointing) and she points the direction we were going, and also signs to us zig zags along the hillside to the right!! We come to a split either left or up with a zig zag path!! Chose zig zag like she said!!:) Again we head up ANOTHER hill, zig zag back and forth!! Up and up and up!! AT least our 5th hill we've headed up at this point, and we're at 5pm right now!! We head up the hill and close to the top we see this woman with her cow and ask again "Mussoorie?" She points, of course, UPHILL! There are 3 choices, left and up, right and up OR straight and up?! We choose the middle one and turn around and asks "Mussoorie?" She says ci, so we continue another uphill adventure!! Now on the top of this hill we see a house and what could be a road to the left of our hill!! We head back down hill again towards yet another hill! Now on the bottom of this hill we have a choice left or right!! Left would be towards the house and possible road we saw, however, if we went right it would be going with every advice we got from all the locals and telling us zig zag around the right side of the hill!! The choice we made didn't seem like a big one at the time, but that choice may have saved us from big trouble looking back....
August 8th, 2009....a date that I'll always remember.... Part 3
So Dave, Cookie, and Nicole part ways from us, and Matt and I are on our own!! Before we head off into the wild Matt buys 3 liters of water which as you will learn is a FANTASTIC decision!!! We head off onto the trail that will lead us to the road!! Which only took about 15 minutes!! At this point we're thinking holy cow this way could be only about 3 hours!! Cause the road took us straight through the hills and not up and down like we came before!! It bypassed all of that and took us to the same construction workers we passed on the way there!! So we're feeling really good, we're in a recognizable place and we still have the valley off to our right!! We see this little boy a couple minutes past the construction workers that was getting water from this broken water main!! We pass him and see him following us up the road!! Then he disappears and we figured he went home or something up a different trail!! Not 5 minutes later we come around a bend and BAM he's freakin in front of us!! We have no CLUE how he did that!!! We assumed it was magic and he can transport to anywhere he wants to!! So we were VERY impressed with his magic skills!!:) We walked behind him a couple more minutes when we PHYSICALLY saw him go up a different path and knew we would not see him again!!! Not 5 minutes later AGAIN we didn't see him!! HA fooled you!! So we're walking on this road, going around turns still with the valley on our right!! Everything is going perfect!!! We come around this next turn and we don't see the road continuing!! I'm thinking oh there's probably a little trail that we can't see cause it goes down hill!! We come to the end of the road AND NOTHING!!! COMPLETE END!! No little trail, no trail ahead of us that we could improvise to get too!! NOTHING!! So now we're like ooooooo crap!! We turn around and start looking for another trail or SOMETHING that would continue us along the valley and to Mazatan!! (I'm not sure if it's called Mazatan but it starts with an M!!) We can't see Mazatan from where we are, BUT we do know for sure if we continue along the valley we will see it eventually!! So there's this green patch of hill that goes straight down and we see at the end of it there's a path that would take us to another path that takes us around one of the hills!!!:) So our main goal at this point is to get to Mazatan cause we know our way from there at least!! We hike/slide down this steep green hill and hook up with the path!! We past this farmer and his wife, who I'm sure seeing 2 white guys hiking happen every 5 years!! We keep heading down hill and hop over this river falls, which I took a pee break and Matt took a water on head break!! So newly refreshed we head up hill (which will be a theme if you continue reading!!) And when we come around the hills turn sure enough there's Mazatan in the distance!! Okay now our next goal is to find a path that will lead us to that destination!! We look on the opposite hill side for a path, and sure enough we find one!! We follow it back to our hill and BAM we see that path that joins the other path!! SOoooooooo once again we head down hill and see this bridge and we're like YES!! This bridge joined us with the path that we saw would take us up the hill and around to Mazatan!! We hike UPhill again and turn the corner and we see Mazatan only a km away now!! Continuing on the trail we head through some houses and step fields and BAM we see the main entrance to Mazatan!!! Okay now we're like pressures off, we know our surroundings again, let's find the school here and go on the trail we came down on and head home!! Easier said than done!!! The most intense hike next...
August 8th, 2009....a date that I'll always remember.... Part 2
The most intense hike back of our lives continued next.....
August 8th, 2009....a date that I'll always remember
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!:)
Today was the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!! FIRST DAY AS AN OFFICIAL TEACHER!!! After today I will officially have TEACHING experience!! So I can say to people, oh yeah I'm an experienced teacher!! No big deal!!! 5 years at UMD and it's go time baby!!!!! Woke up this morning, almost HIT the ceiling cause of the massive jump I had out of bed, soooo kinda excited!!!:) Got ALL of my first day materials ready and packed in my backpack for the nice run to school!!! WHICH ran the ENTIRE way!!! 20:34!!! Not a new record, HOWEVER, backpack weighed 5 pounds heavier than normal!!!!! Made it to school for some DELICIOUS breakfast, the most important meal of the day OF course!! Gotta get that energy for first period and start off with a BANG!!! BANG BANG!!!!! First period today was cancelled due to an assembly and a chance for new students to meet with their advisors and get their day planned out!!! THEN THE TEACHING BEGAN!!!! Second period came along and it was my 6-1 class!!! 6th graders!!! We're in our fitness/CC (cross country) unit!! Pretty nice starting off with running and getting the students back in shape!! AND READY FOR INNERHOUSE CC COMPETITIONS!!!:) Ajay and I started the class off together, just to get me into the swing of things!! Then half way through he left, I took over, and began TEACHING SOLO FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!!! No supervising teacher, no 14 college students watching my every move, NOTHING!! It felt soooo relaxing and nice to do what I was taught to do!!!!:) We did a nice little warm-up, then had time for a nice walk/hike up towards Edgehill and then back down again!!! After 6-1, we (Ajay and I) had 8-3!!! 8th graders!! Now this one we are assigned to team teach so Ajay took the lead and I helped out, which was definitely okay!!!:) I don't want to be stepping on any toes right away!!;) So we did almost the same thing with 8th grade, except had them run hills and steps!! YAY!!! Get them back in shape and ready for the September competitions!!! THEN it was LUNCH TIME which was 1 hour and 40 minute break!! Holy schnikee was that long!!! But when the new gym is up and running that will be for ROCK CLIMBING and WEIGHTROOM!! Can't weight for that!! After lunch it was 7-1 and 7-3 time!!! End the day with seventh grade!!!:) They were awesome students as well!! Had a lot of fun and they worked real hard on the hills and steps!!! The last class 7-3 by far were the most enthused and excited to be there!! So that was amazing to end the day with them!!:) It is going to be an AMAZING AND AWESOME AND FANTASTIC 3 years I predict!!!!!!:) AND I heard the 10th grade is a really sweet class which we'll see about that TOMORROW!!!!:) Have a FANTASTIC WEDNESDAY EVERYONE!!! It's just starting for some of you, for others you won't be waking up for 4 more hours!!! LAZY!!!!!:) Mussoorie OUT!!!
Monday, August 3, 2009
STUDENTS ARE HERE!!!!!!!!! Today is an off day but not an off day!! There isn't any orientation scheduled, so had off in that sense, BUT definitely had a lot to do for WEDNESDAY!!! FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! FINALLY!!!!:) Got to school around 8:30, had some breakfast then worked the rest of the day!!! And by work I mean writing down ALL of my students into the gradebook!! Got up to 9th grade, only 2 grades left to put in!! BUT IT'S SO COOL TO HAVE MY OWN GRADEBOOK!!! Feels soooooo professional and amazing!!!!:) After putting in all of the names took a lunch break and then went for a lovely afternoon run!!! DURING my run I felt this wet little bump hit my leg!! Turn around, A beautiful alaskan husky (named him Gorty), was running behind me!! Now in America totally would have pet him, but HERE no way!! Too many diseases sadly!! So tried ignoring him and thought he would stop!! HECK NO Gorty was determined!!! He ran with me 20 of my 30 minutes!! It was sweet! AND half way on my run ANOTHER dog joined the group!! I called him Tron 4000!!! So Gorty, Tron 4000, and I went for a nice run today!!! After my run worked out on the playground, and with all the students around it was fun to see them copy my exercise and try to outdo me, yeah no good, BUT at least they were trying which was awesome!!!!:) Did my stretching and then came to the Lyon's Lounge and STARTED TO BLOG!!! We're on hour 2 of blogging!! SO YOU BEST ALL BE HAPPY I'VE FINALLY CAUGHT UP!!!!! CRIKEY!!!!!!!!! Tonight's plan is more lesson planning and getting ready for Wednesday!!!!!:) Hope everyone has an AMAZING Monday AND ENJOY THE READING!!!!!!:)
SATURDAY NIGHT AND SUNDAY!!!!!!! Possibly Monday too, you'll have to READ IT!!!!!:)
SATURDAY!!!!! HIKE DAY!!!! ALL DAY!!! PART 4!!!!:)
SATURDAY!!!!!!! HIKE DAY!!!!! ALL DAY!!!! PART 3!!!!
We made it to the nature part of our hike!!! OUR SECOND CHECK POINT!! From here the rest of the way was butter!!! All Dave was worried about was getting to this point of the hike, now were are here and it's a straight shot to Rajpur!!! Well not straight shot, but one single hiking trail!! This trail was beautiful!!! On one side was a lovely 4000 foot drop BUT a view you could see for miles!! Specifically the valley in the earlier parts, AND Rajpur in the later parts of the hike!!! On the other side of the trail was cliffside!! Mostly green and bushy as seen in the pic!!! This part of the hike was much more giving on our knees and joints!! Nice rocks and grass to support our feet!! And holes every so often to go poo in!! Okay just one, but it was a nice plumbing system!! Flowed all the way down to the valley!!! Half way down the hike we made it to a rockslide!! This baby was sweet to cross!! One false move, and SHAZAM you fall and slide 3000 feet down the hillside!! No pressure!! We all made it across safe and sound!! Then 3/4th along the way we make it to pure rock/sliding trail!! This is where our skiing pays off!! Both feet pointing right, then left, then right, then left!! Very fun and very effective!! Of course heading almost down to the Rajpur road we get to this mini jump down!! Dave goes first, nails it! Matt jumps, nails it! Nicole jumps, nails it!! Apparently all of those jumps loosened the earth, or I'm really heavy, cause when it came to my turn I jump down the earth just moves down and totally wipe out going backwards!! NO BLOOD!! Keep on going!! It's all good!!!:) With my expert PE balance I catch myself with my left hand!!;) haha but still failed the PE nation with my inability to land the jump, I fail you all!!:( We hike up to the road and continue to our meeting point, where the taxi will pick us up!!!:) It's a round piece of cement with a tree growing out of the middle!! It's at a 3 way part of the road, so it just made sense to meet here!!! Taxi comes, 7 people pile in to a 5 person taxi, AWESOME!! The true Indian way!! We first drive to KKM Leprocacy colony where we bought the most amazing clothes for a reasonable price! After KKM and our tour of the looms we head to DEHRADUN for lunch!!!! Of course we pick the true Indian restaraunt of McDonald's!!! McMaharaja, the beast of the Indian McDonald's!!! It wassssssssss interesting!! Good not great!! I was kinda hungering for a true McChicken BUT it still did the job!!!:) Hike up continued after this.....
SATURDAY!!!! HIKE DAY!!!! ALL DAY!!!!! PART 2!!!:)
So we're heading downward now, ON cement, felt SOOOOOOOOOOO good on the joints!! You want paint go downhill on cement for an hour! Holy schnikee!! Now, Dave, our hike guide has not been on this hike for 14 years, so we don't know what to expect!! For the FIRST part of the hike he only had to ask clarification TWICE!! IT was pretty amazing!!:) The first time was checking if we were heading towards St. George's College, OUR FIRST CHECKPOINT!! Oh we were!! IN FACT, the students he was asking showed us a shortcut!! Took 5 minutes off our time, no big deal we know people!!:) We head down the road and into this mini bazaar and sure enough, past the random cow in the road (seen on facebook) was St. George's College!!! MADE THE FIRST CHECKPOINT!! It was 8:04am at this point!! We past SGC and right away we look up and see this REALLY COOL bridge!! It literally came out of Indiana Jones!!!:) Totally wanted to cross that, but we were on a time schedule, so NO time there!! We continued downhill on MORE cement, the knees were kind of feeling it at this point!!;) On our way to the nature trail (2nd part of the hike) we passed this really cute elementary school!! All the kids came out and said hello, it was awesome!! HOWEVER, the teacher did not think it was so awesome!! Being teachers we should have known better, BUT COME ON they were adorable and pretty much we'll never have that chance AGAIN!! Unnnnnnnnntil we hike to Rajpur another day!!;) So we quickly apologized to the teacher and continued walking!!!:) About 10 minutes after that we made it to THE NATURE part of our hike!! The old old British trail used by the British for the British to get to Dehradun way back when!! THE ONLY road at that time!!:) Nature trail continued......
SATURDAY!!!!!!!! HIKE!!!!!!! ALL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!:)
A LOT to catch up on!!!! Friday!!!
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