Sunday, July 26, 2009

Delhi-->Dehradun-->Mussoorie cont...

Saturday morning we wake up at 5AM to load all of our gear and bags into the bus that will take us to the Delhi train station!! On our way there we see more of Delhi and the incredible space consumption they take up!! We're talking building to building space takeage!! No gaps or little path between buildings, just buildings after buildings!! We get to the train station at 6, with the train leaving at 6:50am departure!! Sure enough we load on the train at 6:30 and by 6:50 we are leaving for Dehradun!! The ride there was so interesting, with the sites seen and unique people!! There were a plethora of small villages along the way, but mostly rice patties and irrigation systems!! We saw a ferris wheel in one of the villages!! That was unexpected but very cool!!:) At most stops we saw a lot of the people dressed in orange and carrying water!! It was a holiday weekend and most locals were bringing gifts and dressed in orange to celebrate, as seen in the picture!!:) Arrival at Dehradun was 1:04pm, so about 7 hours on the train!! Loving traveling at this point!! Not sick of it AT ALL yet!!;) Unload that train and head to our bus that will take us up the hills to Mussoorie!! Continued in next post....

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