Thursday, July 30, 2009
So THIS MORNING went for my run AND NAILED IT!!!! Before I had to stop for a couple minutes or so and grab what was left around me the precious oxygen!! Kinda gets lost in the INCLINE AND HILLS GOING UPWARD!!! Stupid less oxygen!! WELL THIS MORNING ran the ENTIRE run, start to finish!!! 20:23 for a time from front door to Woodstock!!! Even ran the entire BAZAAR HILL!! I feel the hill will sound more intimidating if I capslock it!! Your thoughts!!;) Anyways after conquering BAZAAR HILL, it is a pretty easy run after it!! It's just trying to run BAZAAR HILL that is this 70 degree almost straight up inclince!! Very hard, especially with the loss of oxygen along the way!! But conquering BAZAAR HILL was a feat in itself!! Got to school in 20:23 and decided let's make it a nice 30 minute run!! Well went along Tehri Road for 4 minutes then turned around and decided to make my final 2 minutes going up steps!!! Get to the steps CONQUER the first flight, THEN NAIL the second, THEN dry heaved!!:) Haha okay maybe a little too many steps, BUT it was only dry heaving, you will be happy to know no pukeage!! Then jogged back down and ate breakfast!!:) After breakfast let the day of ONE MEETING BEGIN!! So the entire dorm and academic staff had to attend an ADHD seminar that lasted from 9:30-5!!!! It was interesting but very very long!! We all agreed after 5p, rolled around next year to make it TWO mornings instead of all day!! Cause it got long!!:) There was some lovely discussion though, including a very heated debate on medication and when to use it!! Kinda got scared a verbal fight would break out, BUT being awesome Woodstockians we held it together and all hugged and made up at the end!!:) Very awesome!! Soooooooo that being basically the entire Thursday, the staff did get a treat tonight at 7:30!!! It was called "Just Dessert"!! A veteran staff family hosts a newbie for dessert and dessert!! I got to eat dessert at: yeah THE BIG GUY'S HOUSE!! Dr. Laurenson, Principal at Woodstock!! No big deal!!;) I kinda know people!! I have many leather bound books, and I smell of rich mahogony!! Or another type of expensive wood!! Birch?!? Whatever, so had dessert and some amazing conversations!! Totally impressed everyone telling them of my runs from Monte Cristo to school! Got the comment of "most fit faculty member" from Dr. L.!! Yeah once again kinda a big deal right now!!;) haha just kidding!! But seriously I know people!! After dessert came back to Lyon's Lounge where I am CURRENTLY blogging and catching up so all you people out there who said OH Steve where's your blog from yesterday, you're such a jerk for missing ONE DAY!! WELL HERE THEY ARE!!!:) And for someone here's a nice long !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FACIAL!!!!! That is it from Mussoorie!! As you can tell from the clock to the right it is LATE!! I'm off to bed! And as they say in Great Britain: Goodnight!!!!:)
Once again NO PICTURE!! Okay sorry, BUT Saturday night if I do get a chance to blog, I will be going on a 6-8 hour hike to Dehradun and back SO I'm pretty sure I can manage ONE pic from that!!:) So COOL OUT with the picture demands!! Even though none of you have been demanding for any!!! Well as you may have noticed I missed Wednesday's posting!! I apologize but there was no time what so ever to post and I had an EXCELLENT nights sleep because of it, so BACK OFF!!! Well Wednesday morning was also monsoon morning!! AND totally ran to school IN the rain!! But this time no rain game, sorry but my hands were busy pumping back and forth going up the hills!!! Got to school and of course my bag was SOAKED!!! Going to the bazaar this weekend and buying one of those gortex covers for my bag so it won't get soaked!! HOWEVER, I have learned from last rain to put everything in plastic so the bags will cover the important stuff! HA take that Kathy Lee!!!! Wednesday's meetings were a breeze!! Since I do not have an advisor group this year:( I didn't have any meetings in the morning!! So I got some work done for Ajay and myself in the staff lounge!! AFTER the meeting we had STAFF PHOTO'S!!! Once again in black shorts very worried I would be placed in a chair or front row and once again feel like an idiot that I'm wearing black shorts in what probably should be a formal type picture!! BUT thank you mom and dad for the tall genes, whoever that is from seeing I'm taller than both of you, BUT I was in the BACK ROW and the legs were just FINE and COVERED!!! However, I did put on the black rain pants just in case and they were still nice and sweaty wet from the run this morning!! SOoooooooo yeah that was an amazing smell on my legs for the rest of the day!!! After staff pictures we had lunch THEN ACTIVITY WEEK MEETINGS!!! This was AWESOME cause we got to discuss WATER RAFTING AND HIKING TRIPS WITH THE KIDS!!! I'm totally volunteering for rafting OR the LONG EXTREME HIKES!! Let's see what these kids are made of!!:) After that totally went to the Tavern!! A local bar in the bazaar, which I only thought like 8-10 people would show up, NO it was 28-30 STAFF MEMBERS!! We basically ruled the bar!! It was awesome!! AND sang along with this guitarist who showed up at 8:30!! Especially this one song, which you may know: COUNTRY ROAD!!! We ALL sang at the refrain!! Look up refrain if you don't know what that is!! THEN Addy, one of us Woodstockians...Woodstockites...Woodstockogoans....I think Woodstockians, got up and totally rocked the guitar!! He played this one Hindi song which none of us knew, EXCEPT Ajay (different Ajay) told us to listen for this one part to sing along too!! WE DID.....AND WE ROCKED IT!!! It went: Ooooooooh ooooooh oh oh oooooooooooooh oooooooooooh!!! Yeah we're musically talented!! We all split up around 9-9:30 and went our seperate ways!!! Thursday continued in the next post....
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
First there won't be a picture for this one cause there's really no picture moment!! SO COOL OUT if you wanted a picture!! You can just leave right now if you're that upset there is no picture!! Today will be called Monsoon Tuesday!! Because of the massive amount of rain we received from last night onto this morning!! I'm pretty sure this is a typical day for monsoon season, BUT we've not had a typical monsoon season according to all the veterans that have lived here!! Which I'm not complaining AT all about!!:) Woke up this morning to rain!! On the walk to school in the rain made up this really fun rain game!! Called "Are you quicker then rain!?!?" Basically it involves you sticking out your hand in the rain!! Once you count 10 drops of rain on your hand, you have to quickly move the umbrella over your hand!! IF you feel an 11th drop on your hand you lose!!! I was like 54-23 today!!! Take that mother nature!!!:) Once arriving at school we had EVER so fun staff meetings again!! This time was high school, and that was riveting!! Talked about policies, handbook and schedules!! It must be in the phy ed water, but Ajay and myself could not sit still and hate sit down meetings!!! LOVE IT!!:) After said meeting which lasted for an HOUR AND A HALF, we had our break then another sweet hour meeting on Activities week, which started off awesome talking about WHITE WATER RAFTING and CLIMBING and HIKING, buuuuuuuuuuuut then it overstayed it's awesome welcome and got repetitive!! So that was basically all day, and after an hour in the computer lab got kicked out cause they had to close it down!!! Would have had my laptop EXCEPT all my dirty clothes were in my bag because it's LAUNDRY DAY AT THE FARLEY'S!!! HOORAY!!! No more damp smelly clothes!! Well at least until tomorrow morning when I sweat and stink them up again!! But that's tomorrow!! Currently, as you could guess I am at the Farley's doing the laundry and borrowing some internet to be writing this lovely blog!!! Then going to walk the lovely 50 minute hike back home with the BEST smelling backpack AROUND!!! Literally the monkey's will be gathering at the smell of my bag!! In your face Martha Stewart!!! That's about it from Mussoorie!! Have a TERRIFIC TUESDAY EVERYONE AND LOVE FROM MUSSOORIE!!!:) They'll be pictures tomorrow if I blog tomorrow!! GOODNIGHT!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday night and Sunday!!!! TODAY!!!:)
p.s. the picture of the dog sleeping is something very common found in Mussoorie!! DOGS EVERYWHERE!!:)
Thursday Hike to Sunday!!!:)
Thursday after breakfast we left for our first hike!! It was a simple one of only 10k and along Tehri Road, the same road Woodstock is located on!! We first passed the Hanifl Centre, which is the new Outdoor Education building!! This is a view from Hanifl!! It's AMAZING!!! So after Hanifl we kept hiking up to Flaghill, which is exactly what it sounds like!! Nepoleans in the old days, when they climbed the hill, would hang their flag on these ropes on the hill!! They are still there today and look very nice all blowing in the wind like!! Once passing Flaghill, on the immediate right is the option of hiking up to the Haunted House!! Basically this house was abandonded 90 years ago and since then it is haunted!! Not really but we like to say it is for dramatic effect!! A mile or so down the road we come to the part of the hike that is called The Gap!! No, not the store, but a part in the road that you can see BOTH sides of the hill!! North view, which is AWESOME, and South view which is EQUALLY awesome!!:) Past the Gap is more amazing view because we are now at 7000 feet above sea level, BUT couldn't see a view because of the stupid fog and clouds!! So the rest of the hike we didn't see miles upon miles BUT it was still very fun!! We went as far as the Chai Tea place at the 6km mark!! This is where we had our pbj's and tea!! ALSO, met some Irish high school students there for a community service mission trip!! After that friendly meeting we hiked back and had some TEA!!! Friday was an interesting day as well!! I met with Ajay (my HOD Phy Ed) and he's such a cool guy!!:) Unfortunately I found out some interesting news that Amanda our 3rd PE teacher scheduled to be on the team, is NOT showing up now!! LAME!! She told Ajay 5 days before she was supposed to come back!! Basically we are in scramble mode now!! We'll talk tomorrow (Monday) about our NEW teaching schedule and filling in Amanda's spot!! Other than that SOOOOO excited about teaching here and all the different and unique units I'll have, compared to America's system!!:) Saturday was a MONSTER hiking day!! Hiked for 6 hours everywhere around my house!! 3 hours of the hike was heading down the hill and then back up!! 2 hours of the hike was through the bazaar's where I met Sheliesh, owner of a Body Care shop!!! Coolest old guy ever!! He's lived in Mussoorie for 40 years, and after our talk gave me some CANDY!!:) Getting to know the shop owners and recognizing them throughout Mussoorie will be REALLY fun and exciting to hear all their stories!!;) Saturday night and Sunday continued in the next one!!:)
Life in Mussoorie!!:)
Delhi-->Dehradun-->Mussoorie cont...
Once on the bus we had a 3 hour bus ride ahead of us for going all of 8 miles uphill!! Yeah, longest BUS RIDE EVER!!:) So going uphill on a bus with the roads the size of a bus makes for ONE interesting bus ride!! In order to go around every corner the bus had to honk it's horn at least 3 times letting oncoming traffic know to GET out of the way!! But the cool thing was we had the SWEETEST horn ever!!:) Of course the view after every 1,000 feet kept becoming more beautiful!! The most amazing coming from 6,000 feet on top of the hill at Woodstock!! As we progressed up the hill, whenever we looked out the window straight down that ledge became more steep and farther down!! It was really cool, well cool for the people NOT scared of heights!! Half the bus was still drugged up from the motion sickness pills they were given for the bus ride!! I didn't take one and was just fine, it wasn't that bad!! So after about a billion turns and amazing views we arrive at Woodstock at 4:34pm!! We go through the welcoming and meeting our buddies, and then our buddies took us to our homes!! Shiv, our taxi driver, drove Sheliesh and I to our apartments AT The Monte Cristo!!:) Where the view is SPECTACULAR!! Can see ALL of Dehradun from my balcony and then some!! Amazing to wake up to every morning!! Once we got settled in our apartments, well I more than Shelish seeing he already has lived there for 6 years, we headed to the bazaar and had some food at the Tavern!! The Tavern is probably the nicest restaraunt in Mussoorie, so that was cool!!:) After dinner got some stuff in the bazaar and headed back to M.C. for an EXCELLENT night's sleep!!:) Well that's the trip from Minneapolis to Mussoorie!! A lovely Wednesday-Saturday experience!! For all those interested in visiting, prepare for that, but we'd do that trip in 3 days!! YAY!!:)
Delhi-->Dehradun-->Mussoorie cont...
Saturday morning we wake up at 5AM to load all of our gear and bags into the bus that will take us to the Delhi train station!! On our way there we see more of Delhi and the incredible space consumption they take up!! We're talking building to building space takeage!! No gaps or little path between buildings, just buildings after buildings!! We get to the train station at 6, with the train leaving at 6:50am departure!! Sure enough we load on the train at 6:30 and by 6:50 we are leaving for Dehradun!! The ride there was so interesting, with the sites seen and unique people!! There were a plethora of small villages along the way, but mostly rice patties and irrigation systems!! We saw a ferris wheel in one of the villages!! That was unexpected but very cool!!:) At most stops we saw a lot of the people dressed in orange and carrying water!! It was a holiday weekend and most locals were bringing gifts and dressed in orange to celebrate, as seen in the picture!!:) Arrival at Dehradun was 1:04pm, so about 7 hours on the train!! Loving traveling at this point!! Not sick of it AT ALL yet!!;) Unload that train and head to our bus that will take us up the hills to Mussoorie!! Continued in next post....
The Trip from Delhi-->Dehradun-->Mussoorie!!
After we all gathered ourselves at the airport we boarded a bus that took us to the hotel!! WOW, that first ride on the Indian highways is an experience all within itself!! Cars, motorcycles, and bus drivers are INSANE!! The horn is put into good use here!! Drivers, I've noticed, never focus behind them, they assume if a driver is behind them they will let them know they are there (aka HONK)!! Which most do!! And the lanes on the highways, are more there for a suggestion rather than actual use!! A two lane highway, we've seen that turned into 4 car lanes!!!:) Hilarious yet scary at the same time!! We get to the hotel at 10pm and we ALL are exhausted, so we turn in for the night ASAP!! BEST SLEEP OF MY LIFE!! Slept 10 hours straight!! Woke up had breakfast with everyone and then we headed to downtown Delhi to FABINDIA and some shopping!! BEST news of my life is when I saw PYJAMA'S (pajama pants) AS AN APPROPRIATE WEAR FOR HOLIDAYS!! Sooooooooo amazing!!:) Definitely got a pair of those and a kurta (men's formal shirt) asap!! Felt cool to be more Indian now!! After an afternoon in Delhi we headed back to the hotel again and had some dinner!! Indian food is DELICIOUS!! Mostly everyone said look out for the spices in India, but honestly after a couple meals the spices really blend in with the main dish and can barely notice it anymore!!:) PLUS no diarhea!! YAY (knock on wood!!) Got back to my hotel room, met Aman my roomie for the night and we went to bed because tomorrow (Saturday) was an EARLY morning!! Heading to Dehradun and Mussoorie all in the same day!! Continued in the next post....
Leaving Minnesota for 18 months!!
Friday, July 24, 2009
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