Sunday, February 21, 2010


I miss Robert Goulet!!! He just had to die and take that beautiful voice with him!!!! WHAT?!?! WHAT DID  YOU SAY?!?! GOULET!!!!!!!:) Holy schnikee what a WEEK it has been!!! FIRST FULL WEEK OF SCHOOL!!!! Every morning (except Friday, I'll explain that shortly) I've been waking up at 5am ready to run my butt off getting ready for Finland!!! It truly is an energy boost and runners high after those runs!!! I HIGHLY suggest a nice morning run!!! ALSO, since breakfast is the BEST meal ever, it gives you that much more incentive to eat a crap load more of breakfast!!!:) Besides the running I'm finding that it is VERY true that once you've found a routine, after 2 months, to stay with that routine is quite easy!! I've always had problems of going about 1 1/2 months of AWESOME weight room/running, but then I stick with just the running and get out of the routine of weight room as well!! BUT, not this time!!! Got a wonderful routine of running from 5-6am, then 6:20-8am it's weight room!!!! Been doing that since the gym opened back in October!! Granted over break didn't get in the fitness room as much, but still did the push-ups and sit-ups at home or on the trail, in my plethora of hikes, since my MAIN one didn't work out!!! Which I've found a lot of staff around here who I didn't talk to about that have found out about the massive disappointment that was the Chadar Trek!!:) AWESOME!! Also, establishing a routine got me away from my up and down days which I had last semester or as Nicole wonderfully stated my "bi-polar" days!! THANK YOU FOR THAT!!:) My body has now adjusted to the crazy intense workout days, and the day after I have them there is no "let-down" in energy level!! The energy level is STILL THERE and it feels AMAZING!!!:) Granted I'm sore as crap but that's only my muscles!!!! I've also become very addicted to cross-training exercises!! Exercises that work out a numerous amount of muscles at the same time, AND adds cardio to it as well!!! I find weights are nice, but the cross-training exercises are far more oriented with life situations!! I tend to find I do a LOT more jumping around (on people sometimes) then I do sitting down pressing a weight with my legs!!:) Oh and if you're sick of most of my blogs this year (2010) being about exercising and running, well then I'd quit now cause this is basically my life, and what it will be for the next however long I have on this earth!!! Live what you teach, don't ever forget that!! Musicians talk about music, Englishians talk about books, scientistians talk about the earth and whatever else is scientific!! PEians talk about staying fit, healthy, and having a LIFEtime of fitness!!!:) Adding on to my very active week I took my very first TaeKwonDoe class Wednesday night for staff night!! Found out 2 things, you are CONSTANTLY flexing your abdominals the entire time, GREAT ab workout, and the second is I already have troubles understanding Hindi, add Japanese to that as well!! Mahinder, my friend/staff at Woodstock, TaeKwonDoe trainer is fluent in Hindi, knows little English!! WELL try taking a class that involves Hindi and Japanese!! FREAKIN CONFUSING!!:) Luckily I'm kinesthetic so I can pick up via watching and copying, but when he gives me the Japanese command I pretty much just guess!! 13% of the time ALL the time I'm right!!:) THEN after TaeKwonDoe there were still a couple of us around that we spent climbing on the climbing wall!!! Which of course lead into wheel barrow races, which lead into piggyback races in the main gym, which in fact lead to me wiping out face first on the floor and almost breaking my nose!!!:) It was an AWESOME night!! Hey Greg was on my back and we ALMOST had it, until I took one bad step which caused a lot more bad steps after that!! A smart person would have stopped and regained control, especially with someone like Greg on there back!! But no, I did the macho thing and kept going thinking I could regain thing I know my left leg gave out and like a tree being cut TIMBER!!! I head for the ground, luckily keeping my head back and up so I WOULDN'T land face first, and then laughed our butts off while Greg, who was on top of my still, and I crawled to the finish line WINNING by half the courts length!!!:) IN YOUR FACE LAURA AND MR. TANG!!!!:) THEN Friday morning, which I told you I would get back to (for shame you thought I would forget) for the first time in 7 months 13 days and at 2:07am my AA battery in my clock DIED!!! Rest in peace Duracell AA!!! Of course I was planning on waking up at 5am, THAT didn't happen!! I woke up in one of those PANIC awakenings at 7am and knew I missed my 6:30 shift at the gym, PLUS my morning exercise!! NOT COOL!!! BUT I did find out something amazing!! Usually when I do my runs/weight room mornings I am dead tired at school by 5pm!! WELL Friday, not doing my morning run obviously I was STILL dead tired by 5pm!! SO fact of the matter is I will be dead tired by 5pm, might as well wake up at 5am everyday anyways if I'm going to be tired at 5pm no matter what!!!:) EXPERIMENT COMPLETED!!!! Then on Saturday, being a B E AUTIFUL day out, went for a lovely 1hr 30min run around Mussoorie, came back and did some exercising on the Mt. Hermon lawn IN THE SUN!! Then stretched, which lead to an amazing hour nap in the sun on my towel on the lawn!!!! Can't beat that Saturday, OH WAIT YES YOU CAN!! THEN after awaking from my nap it was STAFF soccer time at 5pm!!!! We played for 2 1/2 hours of HARD NOSED soccer!! Needless to say we were ALL pooped like a chicken pooping an egg!! But I think that morning exercise had a little more effect on me than the others, cause we walked to the Farley's for dinner after that and I just crashed on the ground!!! Just laid there for a good 10 minutes, FELT really good!! THEN for dinner it was MEXICAN NIGHT!! YO QUIRO TORTILLAS AND FAJITAS!!!! WITH ALL AMERICAN INGREDIENTS FOR GREEN BEAN CASSEROLE (from my cousins for Christmas!!!)!!! AN AMAZING NIGHT!!! After dinner went back to laying on the floor for a while until the movie The Kid started playing!! HILARIOUS movie!!! Bruce Willis and that fat cute kid!!! Ironically stayed awake the entire time for it!! It was awesome!!!! Now on today, which will be consisted mostly in the bazaar, with the MAIN focus on BANK TRANSFERRING MONEY TO FINLAND FOR THE OFFICIAL SIGN UP OF THE PAVOO NURMI MARATHON!! HECK YES!!!!:) I hope everyone has a spectacularly AWESOME WEEKEND AND HAPPY SMILING!!!!:)

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